• Montana Edition •



Escape Room Montana

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  (1 review)
Scare Factor
Very Scary
Appropriate For
Children above high-school age
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Escape Games
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Escape Room Montana is brought to you by the same folks who created The Fear Mine. One room, one hour, one mystery. You must solve the riddles to reveal the next clue.


Espionage Escape:

Agent N15 has gone dark. In one of his final transmissions we received intel that he located the film negatives somewhere in Dr. Ohno's study. We know that the evil Dr. Ohno has stolen extremely valuable film negatives that could destroy our entire spy network. Agent N15 was close to recovering the negatives before all communication suddenly ended. We are sending you to his last known location, Dr. Ohno's study, to search for clues left by Agent N15 that will lead you to the negatives. You and your fellow agents will have exactly one hour to search the study while Dr. Ohno is gone getting his weekly mani-pedi. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to follow the clues left by Agent N15, recover the negatives and escape before Dr. Ohno returns. Be careful not to trip the alarms or his henchmen will capture you.

Black Gold:

You are deep in an underground mine where no light can penetrate, and you have but one small flashlight. Seven keys are locked away. Can you retrieve them all to restore the lights and illuminate your escape, before time runs out, and the mine collapses?
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Escape Room Montana

Recent Reviews

  • Last year was great, this year should be wild

    Last year Fear Mine was in a home front yard, and it was scary as h*11! Thousands of people came from all over Montana. This year they moved it inside at the shopping center in the middle of Belgrade and made it a lot bigger. I am looking so forward to going this year.

    Posted October 2012

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